eyes closed while a plant casts a shadow on their face

What are Anti-snoring Devices, and How Effective Are They?

Though we often consider snoring an annoyance, it is not just a nuance to the snorer and the people around him. Multiple surveys and studies indicated that snoring could be associated with several health conditions. Unfortunately, some of these health issues can be severe. 

Anti-snoring devices help reduce the impact of snoring on our health and promote a better quality of sleep. What more? There will be no more embarrassment! In this blog, we are exploring various types of anti-snoring devices available in the market and how beneficial they are for people dealing with chronic snoring. 

Causes and Symptoms of Snoring

Snoring is a harsh or hoarse sound emitted by a person’s nose, especially during sleep. It occurs when the air passing through the nasopharyngeal pathway brushes against the throat’s relaxed tissues, causing it to vibrate and producing disturbing, croaky noise. 

Though everyone snores occasionally, it can be a chronic problem for some individuals due to various underlying conditions. One of the most common causative factors of chronic snoring is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). It occurs when your throat muscles relax and obstruct your airway repeatedly during sleep. 

Snoring can also occur due to several other factors, such as;

● Awkward sleeping position

● Intake of sedatives

● Excessive alcohol consumption before sleeping

● Swollen nasal tissues

● Chronic nasal congestion

● Inflammation of the nasal tissues

● Deviated nasal septum

● Sleep deprivation

How does Snoring Affect Your Health?

Though snoring sounds as if it is not more than an annoyance, it can also be a causative factor of several health issues. Several surveys showed that people with obstructive sleep apnea have a more than 40% chance of premature death than people who do not suffer from chronic snoring. Here are diseases and health conditions that can arise due to chronic snoring:

● Heart diseases

● Stroke

● Arrhythmias

● Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Snoring can even increase the risk of injury as people who snore at night tend to feel sleepier during the day and have a greater risk of accidents. Snoring related to sleep deprivation can also affect one’s mental health. Studies have shown that it can induce anxiety and even cause depressive behavior. Snoring can also lead to increased frustration and irritability. People may find it difficult to focus on their work and would likely exhibit aggressive behavior. 

What are Anti-snoring Devices?

Multiple devices help people cope with the multifaceted plight of nasal snoring. These simple machines help keep the nasal airway open and free from any blockage and thus, prevent chronic snoring. In addition, the devices are often designed to avoid the vibrations of the throat tissues or even help correct the nasal anatomical anomalies to some extent. 

What are the Different Types of Anti-snoring Devices?

   1. Mouth-guard Anti-snoring device

The mouth guards are FDA-approved anti-snoring devices. They are often known as Mandibular Advancement (MAD), which helps reduce snoring intensity by moving your mandible or the lower jaw and maintains an unopened airway https://amzn.to/3Jp8Our

The device is customizable according to an individual’s teeth and can be adjusted so that you get a perfect fit and everything stays firmly in its place. It is particularly beneficial for people who snore due to Obstructive Sleep Apnea. 

    2. Silicone Anti Snore Relieve Snoring Device

The device is made of soft and comfortable silicone engineered to stay firmly in the nostril, forming a perfect seal without the need for straps. It is easy to wear and to take down. It is effective in relieving snoring and improving the quality of sleep. It can also be used to alleviate asthma effectively. The device allows clean air circulation by filtering the air and leaving out harmful gases and dust.


     3. Nasal Dilators

Nasal Dilators are among the most used anti-snoring devices used by hundreds of people worldwide. They are much less invasive and are easy to use too. These devices are inserted into the nostrils, which help to spread the nostrils and expand the airway. As a result, the person experiences a sifter inhale and exhale pattern. 

Nasal dilators are available in different sizes to fit comfortably according to the diverse nasal anatomy of people https://amzn.to/3egAlQj. They even come in small travel pouches so that you can carry them anywhere you want. So, if you feel embarrassed that the person around you might get offended by your chronic snoring while you are out for a trip, these devices are just for you. 

   4. Vibrating Anti-snoring device

Vibrating anti-snoring devices are a product of newer and advanced technologies. However, it uses the simplest concept of minimizing snoring. Studies have shown that sleep on one’s side can effectively lower snoring. 

The device comes in the form of strap-on bands. You need to strap the band to your chest before going to bed. So even if you sleep flat on your back, the band gently vibrates to alert you so that you roll onto your side. The device is also equipped with a timer to allow you some time to fall asleep in your preferred position and then gently persuades you to change position mid-sleep https://amzn.to/3H7YMfe.  

   5. Chin Strap Anti-snoring device

Chin straps are belts designed to be strapped on your chin and head. The device gently clenches your chin while you are asleep and prevents snoring caused due to mouth-breathing. These belts are lightweight and convenient to use https://amzn.to/3eiMDaP

The chin straps are made using flexible neoprene fabric that is soft and comfortable to wear. It prevents air from passing through your throat and reduces the vibration caused by the airflow. This is not an ideal solution for nasal showers but an effective remedy for mouth-snoring. 

   6. Anti-snoring Bumper Belt

The anti-snoring bumper belt is a positional device that helps treat snoring and other breathing disorders associated with sleep. These devices are made with soft, flexible belts that need to be worn around your chest. 

The Bumper belt is equipped with inflatable bags at the back. When filled with air, these bags prevent you from lying on your back and urge you to stay on your side.  https://amzn.to/3JfhuDu. As a result, it prevents your airway from getting collapsed and obstructed. They even come in three adjustable sizes to be comfortable while you sleep. 

   7. Anti-snoring Nasal Strips

Nasal strips are probably the most used anti-snoring device – breath right for example https://amzn.to/3eaRhHL. These easy-to-use and travel-friendly strips are effective against snoring caused by nasal congestion and allergies. When applied on the top of the ridge of your nose, the strips help pull the nose apart to facilitate better airflow. It helps ease congestion, too, if you are affected by the common flu. 

   8. Anti-snoring Wedge Pillows

A simple but innovative device – https://amzn.to/3yM5PHx – a Wedge pillow helps prop your head up and keep your airway unobstructed. It elevates your neck and urges you to sleep in a position that allows easy airflow. Wedge pillows are also designed to encourage side-sleeping. It is a multipurpose solution for multiple health conditions like heartburn, neck pain, pregnancy discomfort, and other physical ailments.

  9. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

CPAP is a specially designed anti-snoring device that helps treat Obstructive sleep apnea. The machine is connected to a mask which the snorer needs to wear while sleeping https://amzn.to/3Eo7lRh. The machine helps maintain a steady oxygen flow into the nasal-oral airway and facilitates its expansion to prevent snoring. 

The Bottom Line:

Snoring can be a result of several underlying health conditions. In addition, chronic snoring can induce other related health problems too. Anti-snoring devices help people cope with the plight of sleep-deprived nights and chronic snoring effectively. However, not all snoring devices are suitable for everyone. Therefore, we suggest you consult your physician to find the ideal anti-snoring device for yourself. 

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